Thursday 24 October 2013

Live Review: The Agonist at The Garage, London - 22.10.2013

The Agonist is one of those bands that people tend to argue about. Quite frankly I don't care if they're more metalcore than melodeath or vice versa, or whatever silly arguments people like to come up with. Personally I find that they have a broad range of influences from across the metal spectrum - whatever they are they fucking rock.

I've followed the band for several years now. Above all, what struck me was their passion and conviction. Unlike many other groups who could be lumped under the same label, they're not just some scene band. Behind the music and lyrics are deep, meaningful and powerful messages about the world that anyone would be wise to take notice of. Sitting down, listening and reading along it's just like fuck, this woman gets it - that's exactly how things are, that's exactly what's wrong with the world and genius could scarcely put it in better words.

After excellent support from Threat Signal, Arsis and Dawn Heist it was finally time to see The Agonist. Opening with "You're Coming With Me" from their latest album, Prisoners - they cast their raw energy upon the audience immediately evoking an enthusiastic response.

Up second was what is probably the band's best known song, "Thank You, Pain". It was one that everybody knew and sang along to. Here we got to witness in person just how Alissa can switch flawlessly between growled and clean vocals in just a split second.

Not only was Alissa on top form, but so were the rest of the band with every track living up to its studio counterpart. The music was simply enhanced by experiencing the pure energy and feeling from the band themselves in person. It's clear that each member of The Agonist is in the band because they absolutely love what they do, and believe in what their music is about.

The setlist was just right, containing a good balance of songs from all three albums. Their debut being my favourite, "Born Dead, Buried Alive" and "Business Suits and Combat Boots" were personal highlights for me.

Though the audience was small, I'm pretty sure that almost everyone there loved the band. I'd rather have a small but passionate audience than a larger one full of people who aren't really into the music. Another good thing was that the venue wasn't full of people just there to gawp at Alissa, as I feared might happen as I've experienced at other female fronted metal gigs.

Overall The Agonist delivered with brute force, combining an aggressive attitude with skillfully crafted music and an intelligent message. If only there were more bands with this combination of assets...